Midtown Sports Imaging MRI: Dedicated Extremity Open MRI

Referring physicians

About 90% of our patients are referred to us from physicians. Of these, the majority are referred by podiatrists. Besides podiatrists, referrals come from orthopedic surgeons, rheumatologists, physiatrists, neurologists, internal medicine doctors, physical therapists, pain management doctors, and chiropractors.

The remaining 10% of our patients come from internet research, often looking for non-claustrophobic MRI machines.

Referring podiatrists

The majority of open MRI patients that we see are referred by podiatrists for foot and ankle MRIs. We perform MRIs on patients in order to find initial diagnoses, follow up on treatment progress and for pre-surgical planning.

We offer the unique benefit that our owner is a retired podiatrist. This enables us to have a unique understanding of podiatrists needs. Our owner offers an added benefit to our referring podiatric doctors to help by performing your pre-authorizations. Just send us the medical notes, and we take care of the authorizations.

Referring non-podiatrist physicians

We are also able to submit your authorizations, but unable to perform peer-to-peer appeals if the authorization is denied. If that happens, we will inform you.